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2022-LBA-790-ESGO Sentinel lymph node detection with Magtrace® in cervical cancer
  1. Marcin Jedryka1,
  2. Andrzej Czekanski1,
  3. Piotr Lepka1,
  4. Tymoteusz Poprawski2 and
  5. Marcin Kryszpin2
  1. 1Oncological Gynecology, Wroclaw Medical University and Lower Silesian Oncology Center, Wroclaw, Poland
  2. 2Oncological Gynecology, Lower Silesian Oncology Center, Wroclaw, Poland


Introduction This prospective observational study, named POEMCerca (Polish Evaluation of Magtrace® in Cervical Cancer) aims to evaluate efficacy of the Magtrace® system in SLN (Sentinel Lymph Nodes) detection in early stage cervical cancer patients in comparison with the standard of care. The nanoparticle paramagnetic detection systems of SLN have been prooved so far to be comparable and non-inferior to the standard procedure of systematic lymphadenectomy in breast cancer and vulvar cancer patients.

Methods 16 patients with stage I cervical cancer received a cervical injection of superparamagnetic iron oxide tracer (Magtrace®). Magtrace® localized and detected SLN with magnetic counts and with visual inspection for their brownish colour. For each SLN the anatomic site, magnetic counts and colour was documented before biopsy. Afterwards, systematic lymphadenectomy – pelvic (PLND) and paraaortic (PALND) – in some cases (high grade tumour and/or adenocarcinoma) was performed as the standard of care.

Results SLN were detected in every patient. Bilateral SLN were found in 87.5% of cases. The mean SLN count per patient was 3.9. All SLN were assessed as brownish stained. In one SLN micrometastasis was detected. Statistic results have been presented in the table 1.

Abstract 2022-LBA-790-ESGO Figure 1
Abstract 2022-LBA-790-ESGO Table 1

Statistic results of the POEMCerca study

Conclusions This preliminary study showed efficient Magtrace® detection of SLN in early stage cervical cancer patients which is not inferior to the standard of care.

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