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2022-RA-1423-ESGO Phyllodes tumors of the breast analysis of 17 patients
  1. Houda Mochtari
  1. Gynéco-obstétrique I, CHU Hassan II Fès, Fès, Morocco


Introduction/Background Phyllode tumors of the breast are fibroepithelial tumors similar to fibroadenomas but with a predominant conjunctive tissue component. These are composed of a connective tissue stroma and epithelial elements. They are rare with an incidence of 0.3–0.9% of all breast neoplasms. The present study demonstrates the recent experiences in diagnosis, therapeutical management and clinical follow-up of this disease.

Methodology This is a retrospective study conducted at the obstetrics and gynecology department I at CHU Hassan II in Fez between May 2009 and May 2013, on patients with histologically certified breast phyllodes tumors.

Results The patients evaluated were women with an average age of onset of 34.17 years. The mode of revelation was clinical by the discovery of a nodule in 88.24% of cases, mastodynia in one case, breast deformation in one case. The histological type was benign in 76.47% of cases, borderline in 17.64% with one phyllodes sarcoma case (5.9%). The average tumor size is 5.84 cm (0.520 cm). Surgical treatment was conservative in 76.47% (lumpectomy) and radical in 23.53% (mastectomy). Local follow-up in 80% of lost patients. At the end of treatment, 47% operated patients had an unsatisfactory safety margin (recovery of the tumor bed) and 53% patients were in complete clinical remission. After follow-up, 3 patients (17.64%) had one or more relapses with an average interval of 1.4 years (1 year-2 years). No cases of metastasis or deaths were noted.

Conclusion The confrontation of our results to the data of the international literature shows that the diagnosis of the phyllodes tumours is histological. The basis of the treatment is surgery. The adjuvant radiotherapy is very important in patients at high risk for local recurrence. The prognostic is based on the histological characters of the tissue conjunctive component of these tumours.

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