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Introduction/Background A 51 -year-old woman admitted to Ankara UniversityGynecologic Oncology unit with a recurrence invading ureters onmagnetic resonance imaging. This surgery is presenting acentral pelvic recurrence of a cervix cancer previously treatedwith chemoradiation. After an anterior pelvic exenterationsurgery, an ileal conduit urinary diversion performed. Thissurgical video contains the steps of ileal conduit; isolation of theileal loop, stapled side to side ileo-ileal anastomosis, urostomyfixation, pigtail stent insertion and uretero-ureteral anastomosis.
Methodology A 20 cm ileum segment is isolated and ureters areanastomosed to the proximal end of the conduit and the distalend is used to perform a cutaneous stoma for urine drainage,which is externally connected to a collection device attached tothe skin
Results Ileal conduit urinary diversion is an incontinanturinary diversion.
Conclusion This type of urinary diversion is incontinent but can beeasily managed by patients.