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2022-VA-1150-ESGO Step by step ileal conduit urinary diversion
  1. Seda Şahin Aker1 and
  2. Ogün Ersan2
  1. 1Gynecologic Oncology, Kayseri city education and training hospital, KAYSERİ, Turkey
  2. 2Surgical Oncolgy, Konya City Hospital, Konya, Turkey


Introduction/Background A 51 -year-old woman admitted to Ankara UniversityGynecologic Oncology unit with a recurrence invading ureters onmagnetic resonance imaging. This surgery is presenting acentral pelvic recurrence of a cervix cancer previously treatedwith chemoradiation. After an anterior pelvic exenterationsurgery, an ileal conduit urinary diversion performed. Thissurgical video contains the steps of ileal conduit; isolation of theileal loop, stapled side to side ileo-ileal anastomosis, urostomyfixation, pigtail stent insertion and uretero-ureteral anastomosis.

Methodology A 20 cm ileum segment is isolated and ureters areanastomosed to the proximal end of the conduit and the distalend is used to perform a cutaneous stoma for urine drainage,which is externally connected to a collection device attached tothe skin

Results Ileal conduit urinary diversion is an incontinanturinary diversion.

Conclusion This type of urinary diversion is incontinent but can beeasily managed by patients.

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