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2022-RA-183-ESGO Carcinoma clitoris in a 27-year-old girl; a case report
  1. Vesna Krsic1,
  2. Jovan Krsic2,
  3. Jovan Milojevic3,
  4. Biljana Jocic Pivac1,
  5. Ivana Rudic Biljic Erski1 and
  6. Marija Rovcanin1
  1. 1OBGYN, University Clinic, Belgrade, Serbia
  2. 2Military Academy of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
  3. 3OBGYN Department Lazarevac, Lazarevac, Serbia


Introduction/Background Tumors of the clitoris are very rare and it accounts 0,06% of all cancers of the female genital tract. This tumor has high malignant potential and very bad outcome of all treatment options.

Methodology A 27-year-old girl presented to our hospital for an examination due to urinary incontinence, pelvic pain and visible tumor mass in the region clitoris. Clinical examination revealed a firm mass of size 5 cm in diameter. Tumor mass was arising from the clitoral area surrounded by normal connective tissue and mobile over the bone, with painful swelling of the clitoris . The patient has not been able to urinate for 24 hours and she has experienced swelling and pain in the clitoris for the past two months.

Results Trans-vaginal ultrasound of internal genital organs, colposcopy examination of cervix and pap smear test were normal. With a clinical diagnosis of tumor, the patient was investigated with pelvis X-ray, chest X-ray and there was no positive findings. CT of the abdomen showed multiple metastatic changes in urinary bladder and pelvic wall. Tumor markers like CEA and Ca 125 were in normal range. We placed urinary catheter and took biopsy from the tumor mass. The histology confirmed squamous cell carcinoma but a primary carcinoma of the clitoris. Tumors was very aggressive nature with large nuclei eccentrically with foci of spindle and anaplastic cells. When a detailed diagnostic examination was completed within 10 days, unfortunately, patient passed away before any treatments.

Conclusion Carcinomas clitoris are rare and important because of its aggressive nature of clinical course leading to early death in young patients.

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