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2022-RA-1578-ESGO Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia about 62 cases
  1. Jihad Abbou and
  2. Majda Bendahhou Idrissi
  1. Gynecology Obstetric 1, CHU Hassan 2 Fes, Fes, Morocco


Introduction/Background Gestational trophoblastic disease involves both benign and malignant entities that include hydatidiform mole (complete and partial), choriocarcinoma, invasive mole, epithelioid trophoblastic tumor and placental site trophoblastic tumor. The last four are known as gestational trophoblastic neoplasia; all can metastasize and can be fatal if not treated.

Methodology We report a retrospective series of 62 cases of GTN collected at the obstetrics I of University hospital of Fes, during a period of 7 years from January 2015 to December 2021.

Results The analysis of our serie was concluded that: Gestational trophoblastic tumors are 10% of GTD with an incidence of 1/75 births. The average age of onset is 34 years and half. Pregnancy was causal in 95% of cases a molar pregnancy. Staging performed in our patients revealed lung metastases in 24 cases, brain, liver and vagina in 2 cases. 9,7% of our patients underwent a hysterectomy. 87% of our patients were treated with single-agent chemotherapy (methotrexate). 8 patients were treated with multi-agent Chemotherapy. All our patients have had a clinical and laboratory monitoring, before every course of chemotherapy, then monthly,before normalisation of B-HCG, until 12 months when GTN good prognosis, and until to 18 months in case of GTN with poor prognosis. We reported a case of resistance after 4 lines of chemotherapy and died following a haemorrhage due to pelvic recurrence and vaginal metastasis. It also reported a case of recurrence of GTN.

Conclusion This study allowed us to analyze the good follow-up of the patients, the early diagnosis early diagnosis of TTG, especially in case of follow-up of moles and good prognosis of almost all cases.

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