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2022-RA-741-ESGO Factors influencing short-term postoperative health-related quality of life deterioration in patients undergoing gynecologic oncologic surgery
  1. Mile Dragan Tanturovski1,
  2. Igor Aluloski1,
  3. Sasho Stojchevski1,
  4. Viktorija Jovanovska1,
  5. Marjan Stojovski1 and
  6. Dragan Tanturovski2
  1. 1Department of gynecologic oncology, University Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University ‘Ss. Cyril and Methodius’, Skopje, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of
  2. 2Medical faculty, University ‘Goce Delchev’, Shtip, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of


Introduction/Background He aim of the study was to identify potential personal, disease- or treatment-related factors that could negatively impact the short-term health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients treated surgically for gynecologic cancer.

Methodology Patients scheduled for elective surgical treatment of a malignant neoplasm originating from the uterine cervix, endometrium and/or ovaries at the Department of Gynecological Oncology at the University clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University ‘Ss. Cyril and Methodius’, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia form March 2017 until April 2019 were screened for eligibility and approached for participation in the study.

HRQoL was quantified using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G) questionnaire initially before the surgical treatment and at 1 month postop.

Results We analyzed data from a total of 149 patients. Ninety (60.4%) patients had endometrial cancer, 31 (20.8%) had cervical cancer and 28 (18.8%) patients had ovarian cancer. We identified a clinically relevant decline in HRQoL in 54 (36.2%) of the patients 1 month after surgery. The bivariate analysis identified smoking, comorbidities ECOG-PS, disease stage, surgical radicality, systematic lymphadenectomy, residual disease after surgery and postoperative complications as factors that influence the HRQoL 1 month postop. Independent predictors of a statistically significant and clinically relevant decline of HRQoL 1 month after surgery in the multivariate analysis were smoking, (OR=5.07, 95%CI 1.54–16.69, p=0.01), low ECOG performance status (OR=3.34, 95%CI 1.37–8.1, p=0.001 for each increase in ECOG-PS), advanced stage disease (OR=1.74, 95%CI 1.02–2.98, p=0.04 for each increase in disease stage) and residual disease after completing the surgical treatment (OR=4.08, 95%CI 0.95–17.51, p=0.05).

Conclusion Certain patient- and disease-related factors potentially negatively influence short-term postoperative HRQoL in gynecologic oncologic patients, irrespective of the specifics of the surgical treatment.

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