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2022-RA-618-ESGO Who receives maintenance therapy after first-line chemotherapy? a real-world assessment of patients with ovarian cancer who received niraparib first-line maintenance therapy in the United States
  1. Ritu Salani1,
  2. Tirza Areli Calderón Boyle2,
  3. Jessica Perhanidis3,
  4. Jonathan Lim2,
  5. Linda Kalilani4,
  6. Jean A Hurteau3,
  7. Amanda Golembesky4 and
  8. Floor Backes5
  1. 1Obstetrics and Gynecology, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
  2. 2GSK, Upper Providence, PA
  3. 3GSK, Waltham, MA
  4. 4GSK, Durham, NC
  5. 5The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center-The James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute, Columbus, OH


Introduction/Background Niraparib, a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor (PARPi), was approved 29Apr2020 in the US for first-line maintenance (1LM) treatment of advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). To better understand how niraparib 1LM approval impacted who received niraparib in clinical practice, this study characterised real-world patients with EOC prescribed niraparib for 1LM before and after FDA approval using real-world data.

Methodology This retrospective cohort study used the nationwide Flatiron Health electronic health record-derived de-identified database and included patients diagnosed with EOC between 01Jan2011 and 30Nov2021, who were ≥18 years old at initial diagnosis and received first-line platinum-based treatment. The index date was defined as the initiation date of 1LM niraparib monotherapy, on or after 01Jan2017. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study cohort were assessed from initial EOC diagnosis to index date. Patients were stratified by index date: before 29Apr2020 (niraparib preapproval cohort) or after 29Apr2020 (niraparib postapproval cohort).

Results A total of 374 patients initiated 1LM niraparib monotherapy. Most patients had stage III (50%) or IV (35%) disease and had BRCAwt (84%); 40% of patients had no visible residual disease (table 1). Demographic and clinical characteristics were mostly similar across the cohorts. However, the niraparib postapproval cohort (n=284) had fewer patients with stage IV disease (30% vs 49%) and more with BRCAwt (90% vs 63%) than the preapproval cohort (n=90). Furthermore, fewer patients in the niraparib postapproval cohort had unknown BRCA status (3% vs 16%), unknown HRD status (63% vs 84%), and no debulking surgery (13% vs 27%).

Abstract 2022-RA-618-ESGO Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristic of the primary and stratified cohorts

Conclusion This study is the first to describe characteristics of real-world patients who initiated 1LM niraparib monotherapy based on niraparib’s approval status. Study findings suggest that BRCA/HRD testing has increased over time. Moreover, understanding dosing patterns and associated treatment duration can help optimise disease management. These outcomes will be explored in the next study phase.

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