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Introduction/Background Presenting the method of laparoscopic anterior rectal resection, partial sigmoidcolon resection, right hemicolectomy and extended hysterectomy in the patientwith deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) diagnosed with coexisting of lowgrade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm. (LAMN).
Methodology 37 – year old lady with the history of multiple laparoscopic and laparotomicintervention due to endometriosis and infertility qualified to laparoscopicintervention.
Results She had done laparoscopic segmental resection of the sigmoid colon and anteriorrectum resection with end to end anastomosis, total extended hysterectomy,right hemicolectomy with side to side anastomosis, cystoscopy with protective JJstenting of both ureters due to massive adhesiolysis of the ureters.In histopathology: multifocal endometriotic infiltration of the bowel with the bigendometrotic nodules on rectum, sigmoid colon and cecum, low gradeappendiceal mucinous neoplasma in appendix and adenomyosis of the ureters.The result of the surgery was complete realising from the pain and tailoredsurgery on colon and ileum due to low grade neoplasma of appendix.
Conclusion Laparoscopy is a perfect method for both tailored and radical surgery in DIE andearly stages of cancer as LAMN.