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2022-RA-863-ESGO Slovenian experience with pembrolizumab in patients with metastatic endometrial and cervical cancer
  1. Brigita Gregoric1,
  2. Mirjana Pavlova Bojadžiski2 and
  3. Erik Škof2
  1. 1Medical Oncology Departement, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  2. 2Medical Oncology, institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Introduction/Background We report the efficacy and toxicity of pembrolizumab in Slovenian patients with endometrial or cervical cancer.

Methodology We included patients treated at our Institute from 2018 to February 2022. Indications for pembrolizumab were according to Keynote-158 and Keynote-775 studies. Treatment was until progression or unacceptable toxicity. According to the clinician’s decision, it was also feasible to stop pembrolizumab after 2 years, if the patient was in CR. Also, if patients didn’t have any major side effects while receiving 3 weekly applications, it was allowed to switch to 6 weekly.

Results We included 26 patients. 11 patients had endometrial cancer and remaining 15 cervical. The median age was 57 years. The first group received between 4 to 31 applications of pembrolizumab, and the second group between 1 to 33 applications. 11 patients are still receiving therapy (7 endometrial, 4 cervical). 4 patients achieved CR, 4 achieved PR, 6 had PD, 4 had rapidly PD after 1–2 applications, 4 had SD, and in 4 patients it was too early to evaluate. The median time to OR was 4 months. The median follow-up was 10 months and at that point, 34% had OR. In the endometrial cancer group, with the exclusion of one patient, all tumors in primary histologies were MMR deficient. In the cervical cancer group CPS scores varied between 2% and 100%. Both groups received prior 0–2 therapies before immunotherapy. Side effects were: hyperthyroidism (3), hypothyroidism (3), dermatitis (1), blepharoconjunctivitis (1), colitis grade 3 (1), nephritis grade 3 (1) that relapsed with grade 4, glaucoma grade 4 (1).

Conclusion Results correlate with the Keynote-158 study where 1/3 achieved OR, one patient is still receiving pembrolizumab for over 2 years without major side effects in CR, and 2 remaining on immunotherapy beyond 2 years are in PR.

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