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EPV177/#165 Implementation of esgo quality indicators (QI) for ovarian cancer surgery (OCS) in a Latin American center
  1. T Silva1,
  2. B Ribeiro2,
  3. F Schamne3,
  4. R Ribeiro4,
  5. J Linhares4 and
  6. A Tsunoda4,5
  1. 1Hospital Erasto Gaertner, Ginecologic Oncology Fellow, Curitiba, Brazil
  2. 2Hospital Erasto Gaertner, Surgical Oncology Resident, Curitiba, Brazil
  3. 3Hospital Erasto Gaertner, Registered Research Nurse, Curitiba, Brazil
  4. 4Hospital Erasto Gaertner, Surgical Oncology, Curitiba, Brazil
  5. 5Pontificia Universidade Católica do Parana, Ppgts, Curitiba, Brazil


Objectives To evaluate if the implementation of an institutional OCS protocol, aligned to NCCN guidelines, resulted in a high score index according to ESGO quality indicators (QI) in a Latin American public referral center.

Methods All consecutive surgical OC cases after a dedicated multidisciplinary team and protocol were instituted in 2015 up to 2018 were included. QI 1 to 10, 2y-DFS, 2y-OS and surgical complications were analyzed.

Results Ninety three patients, mean age=59yo (30–82yo), stage III=44 (47,3%) and IV=20 (21,5%), were included. QI 1–10 were 8, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, sequentially. Debulking procedures were considered: CC0in 69 (65%), CC1 in 6 (6%), and CC2 in 26 cases (27.9%). Complications, according to Clavien-Dindo, in 30 days, were minor in 2 (2.1%) and major in 17 (18%), including 3 post-operative deaths (3.2%). Two-years DFS, relapsed, persistent and deaths were 41 (44.1%), 16 (17.2%), 10 (10.7%), 26 (29%), respectively.

Conclusions Adherance to ESGO QI was feasible and reproducible in a Latin American referral center. Similar criteria could be replicable in LMIC countries for OCS quality assurance.

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