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EPV159/#479 Role of pathology consultant in advancement of diagnostic oncology in underserved countries
  1. A Plotkin1 and
  2. F-I Lu2
  1. 1Sunnybrook Health Sciences, Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics, Toronto, Canada
  2. 2SHSC, Laboratory Medicine, Toronto, Canada


Objectives Quality pathology assessment and reporting of gynecological cancers remains a significant challenge worldwide. Since 2019, the International Gynecological Cancer Society has been offering pathology support to underserved countries through monthly multidisciplinary conferences involving local and expert pathologists. We describe the format of this intervention.

Methods An expert pathologist joins conferences at 3–5 sites from underserved countries and discusses the clinical management of challenging cases selected by local gynecologic oncologists. Local and expert gynecologic surgical oncologists participate at each meeting, with occasional participation from radiation oncologists. Local pathologists from two sites consistently participate in these conferences; only these two sites submit pathology images and reports for review by an expert pathology consultant, who provides feedback on the accuracy of the diagnosis and the completeness of the pathology report. Other sites provide only a summary of the pathology diagnosis for discussion. All discussed cases are recorded in an Excel spreadsheet and include details on the management recommendations and the diagnostic pathology reports.

Results A pathology report remains a major challenge for local pathologists. The details important for tumor staging and management are often scarce or not present. The sites with involved local pathologists are starting to use International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting (ICCR) checklist for completeness of the report.

Conclusions Successful collaboration between local pathologists and international consultants is the first step towards improving the quality of pathology at many sites. The involvement of the local pathologists in the multi-disciplinary conferences and the collaboration with expert pathology consultants is crucial for the advancement of diagnostic oncology in underserved countries.

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