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EPV073/#423 An overview of cervical cancer epidemiology at the oncology gynecology center of santa marcelina hospital- Brazil
  1. S Sanches,
  2. M Mesquita,
  3. J Barbosa,
  4. T Almeida,
  5. M Brandão,
  6. M Silva,
  7. C Sousa,
  8. C Gomez and
  9. I Manchini
  1. Casa de Saúde Santa Marcelina, Gynecologic Oncology, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Objectives Evaluate clinical results of patients with cervical cancer, based on statistics from the Oncology Gynecology Center of Santa Marcelina Hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, between 2012 to 2018.

Methods Retrospective analysis of 370 patients’ medical records, who were followed up. The data table included the following variables: age at diagnosis, symptoms, tobacco use, staging, treatments, fatal outcome, and histological type.

Results The median age of patients at diagnosis was 51 years. The major symptom was vaginal bleeding (53.65%). Presence of smoking was reported by 33% of the patients. The histological distribution showed predominance of epidermoid carcinoma (83.6%) over adenocarcinoma (13.8%). About the diagnosis, 4.2% of the patients were in stage IA1, followed by IA2 2.2%; IB1 8.4%; IB2 6.5%; IB3 1%; IIA1 1.16%; IIA2 2.7%; IIB 15.4%; IIIA 1.4%; IIIB 41.9%; IIIC1 1%; IIIC2 0.84; IVA 5.4% and IVB 8.9%. Only 20% of the patients underwent surgical treatment and the most frequent therapeutic option were radiotherapy and concomitant chemotherapy (80%). The relapse rate was 23,24%, mostly in the vagina, and about 40% of the patients had a fatal outcome in our review.

Conclusions Based on these data table, vaginal bleeding as the major symptom, the high rate of IIIB stage diagnosis, and of the fatal outcome, may be an indicative of late diagnosis of this population confirming reports from developing countries. As cervical cancer has a chance of cure if diagnosed at early stages, the results demonstrate the need for investments in educational initiatives to raise awareness among the public about the importance of cervical cancer screening.

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