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EPV070/#401 Randomized controlled trial of the efficacy of lymph node dissection on stage IIICR of cervical cancer (CQGOG0103)
  1. M He,
  2. L Zhong,
  3. H Wang,
  4. Y Tang,
  5. Q Zhou and
  6. D Zou
  1. Chongqing University Cancer Hospital, The Gynecologic Oncology Center, Chongqing, China


Objectives Our goal is to assess the impact of lymph node dissection on stage IIICr of cervical cancer and to examine the specific complications of this therapy

Methods This is an national, prospective, multicenter and randomized clinical study designed to determine if patients with stage IIICr of cervical cancer have longer PFS and/or OS with lymph node dissection before Concurrent Chemoradiation therapy (CCRT) when compared to CCRT.

Results In our center, a study showed that surgical staging of women with locally advanced cervical cancer can provide more accurate information than CT/MRI scans and resulted in a longer PFS when the short diameter of image-positive lymph node ≥15mm (33m vs. 24m, p <0.05). Therefore, we designed the randomized controlled trial, CQGOG0103, to determine if patients with stage IIICr of cervical cancer have longer PFS and/or OS with lymph node dissection before CCRT when compared to CCRT. Up to today, 9 patients have been enrolled. This trial is currently open and enrolling patients.

Abstract EPV070/#401 Figure 1

Study design

Abstract EPV070/#401 Table 1

Brief Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Conclusions Lymph node dissection may improve the prognosis of stage IIICr of cervical cancer. We will report the primary, midterm and final results about this study in the future.

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