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EPV016/#272 Resilience in breast cancer patients and its association with anxiety and depression
  1. S Sghaier1,
  2. M Bouhani1,
  3. M Slimane2,
  4. M Bouida2,
  5. N Bram3 and
  6. K Rahal2
  1. 1Salah Azaiez Institute, Surgical Oncology Department, Tunis, Tunisia
  2. 2Salah Azaiez Institute of Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Tunis, Tunisia
  3. 3Razi Hospital, Freud Department, Tunis, Tunisia


Objectives Breast Cancer is a stressful event. Several breast cancer patients may suffer from clinically relevant symptoms of depression and/or anxiety. Indeed,resilience represents an important psychosocial factor. We aim to report the resilience of breast cancer women and its association with depression and anxiety.

Methods It is a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted over a third-month period, from January 2nd, 2020 to March 30th, 2020 at Salah Azaiez Institute including 61 breast cancer patients.

Results The median age was 55.7 years. Forty-six percent were housewives. The illiteracy rate was 34.4%. The average duration of marriage was 27.8 years.Co-morbidities were found in 36.1% of patients. The average time after treatment was 60.8 months.57.4% of patients were classified as stage II. Radical surgery was conducted in 70.5% of patients. Chemotherapyand Hormone therapy were administered in 90.2% and 83.6% of cases, respectively. The average score of resilience (RS-14) was de 76.6. The average scores of anxiety and depression were10.5 and 8.6, respectively.Clinically relevant symptoms of anxiety and depression were reported with52.5% and 29.5% of patients, respectively. Correlation analysis showed that the RS-14 and anxiety and depression of the HAD scale were in negative correlation (r= -0.419, p<0.001) and (r= -0.606, p<0.001), respectively. Predictor factors of resilience were co-morbidities and not receiving hormone therapy.

Conclusions Resilience represents a protective psychosocial factor against anxiety and depression among breast cancer patients. A multidisciplinary healthcare team is crucial for patient psychosocial care throughout the cancer continuum allowing to promote resilience and leading to enhance the quality of life.

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