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10 steps to approach large ovarian masses through vNOTES.
Introduction VNOTES (vaginal Natural Orifices Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery) is a novel technique that allows a laparoscopic approach to the pelvic and abdominal cavity through the vagina. It seems to facilitate large ovarian masses (with benign characteristics) removal when compared to conventional laparoscopy.
Description We recommend 10 steps to approach large ovarian masses through vNOTES. Each step is explained in the surgical video.
Step 1. Select suitable case.
Step 2. Setting up the patient and the surgical team.
Step 3. Accessing the cavity.
Step 4. Inserting vaginal port.
Step 5. Cavity inspection.
Step 6. Sealing and division.
Step 7. Bag the cyst.
Step 8. Cavity revision.
Step 9. Revise the inner ring of the vaginal port.
Step 10. Closing the vaginal vault.
Conclusion It is feasible to approach large ovarian masses through vNOTES.