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EPV289/#657 Epidemiological profile of patients with maligna vulva neoplasia attended at santa marcelina itaquera hospital – Sao Paulo
  1. JA Barbosa1,
  2. M Mesquita2,
  3. S Sanches2,
  4. C Sousa2,
  5. M Silva2,
  6. I Manchini2,
  7. M Brandão2,
  8. C Gomez2 and
  9. T Almeida2
  1. 1Casa de Saúde Santa Marcelina, Gynecology Oncology, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  2. 2Casa de Saúde Santa Marcelina, Gynecologic Oncology, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Objectives Objective: To study the epidemiological profile of patients diagnosed with vulvar malignancy seen at Santa Marcelina Itaquera Hospital (HSM) in São Paulo.

Methods Analysis of medical records of patients undergoing follow-up at the Gynecology Oncology outpatient clinic between the years 2008 to 2020. The information analyzed were: age, parity, smoking, histological type of the tumor, neoadjuvance, surgical treatment, adjuvance, recurrence, lymph node involvement and death.

Result 45 patients were seen, whose average age was 66 years, which numerically represents 51.11% of the patients seen; 26.66% were smokers and the most common histological type is squamous cell carcinoma, marking 82.22% of all other types identified. Five patients (11.11%) were classified as stage I, fifteen (33.33%) stage II, thirteen (28.88%) stage III and twelve (26.66) of stage IV patients. Within this scenario, neoadjuvant therapy was part of 60% of the cases; surgical treatment 80% and adjuvance 62.22%. Sixty-four percent of the patients did not experience recurrence or disease progression. Forty percent of patients who did surgical procedure with lymphadenectomy had lymph node involvement and twenty-four patients (53.33%) died.

Conclusion The epidemiological profile of patients are consistent with the literature, from the age group, histological type, percentage of death and recurrence. The high rate of death is mainly related to late diagnosis, although neoadjuvant treatment allows surgery in advanced cases.

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