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1127 Laparoscopy and video assisted thoracoscopy for interval debulking surgery in ovarian cancer
  1. C Yelo Docio,
  2. J De Santiago Garcia,
  3. M Fernandez Chereguini,
  4. S Alonso and
  5. A Conde Adan
  1. MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid, Madrid, Spain


Introduction/Background*Minimal invasive surgery for interval debulking surgery for stage IV ovarian cancer

- 52 years old

- CT&MRI - 11 cm adnexal mass and peritoneal carcinomatosis

- PET scan:

- Left pleural effusion.

- Increased pleural FDG uptake

- Giant hypermetabolic adnexal mass

Methodology Video recorded surgery

Result(s)*Optimal cytorreduction after 3 cycles of chemotherapy.

Conclusion*Minimally invasive surgery may be considered for the management of patients with advanced ovarian cancer who have undergone neoadjuvant chemotherapy

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