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395 Menopausal symptoms and sexual disorders in epithelial ovarian cancer survivors, a gineco vivrovaire2 study
  1. Florence Joly1,
  2. Anne Gompel2,
  3. Raffaèle Fauvet3,
  4. Idlir Licaj4,
  5. Djihane Ahmed-Lecheheb5,
  6. Jean-Michel Grellard4,
  7. Elsa Kalbacher6,
  8. Olivier Tredan7,
  9. Francois Gernier1 and
  10. Patricia Pautier8
  1. 1Centre François Baclesse; Unité Inserm 1086
  2. 2Chu Paris Centre – Hôpital Cochin, Site Cochin
  3. 3Chu Caen Departement OF Gynecology AND Obstetrics
  4. 4Centre Francois Baclesse
  5. 5Unite Inserm 1086 Anticipe
  6. 6Chu Jean Minjoz
  7. 7Centre Leon Berard
  8. 8Gustave Roussy


Introduction/Background We have previously shown that Epithelial Ovarian Cancer (EOC) and its treatments have significant negative effects on Quality of Life (QoL) and long term fatigue. The aim of the present multicentric VIVROVAIRE2 study was to report the main menopausal symptoms of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer survivors (EOCS).

Methodology One hundred sixty-six patients of the 322 EOCS without relapse ≥3 years after first line of treatment accepted to participate to a gynecological consultation carried out by a gynecologist, including a questionnaire related to menopausal symptoms (MS), sexuality, clinical examination, and osteodensitometry. MS (hot flashes and/or night sweats) were described according to natural menopause (NM) or surgically induced menopause (SIM). QoL, fatigue, insomnia and mood disorders were measured with the questionnaires (FACT-G, FACIT Fatigue, ISI, and HADS).

Results Median age was 62 years [20–83], FIGO stage III/IV (48%) and < 10% BRCA1&2 mutated. Histological subtypes were: high grade serous 28%, low grade serous 22%, endometrioid G2-3 (15%) endometriod G1 ( 3%), clear-cell 21%, mucinous 5%. All EOCS had surgery, 97% of patients received platinum and taxane chemotherapy, median delay from treatment was 5 years [3–24] and 59 (36%) had SIM. 14% of EOCS had osteoporosis. Half of patients reported MS either hot flashes (47%) or night sweats (32%). 72% with SIM had MS compared to 41% with NM (p<.001). MS were not associated with poor global QoL, fatigue, insomnia or mood disorders. At the gynecological consultation, two-thirds of EOCS reported a decrease in sexual desire notably EOCS with SIM, wich showed a greater decreased libido than NM (p<.02).

One hundred seven patients have never been treated with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) including 59 who reported MS and 48 who (40%) had SIM.

Among 85 EOCS with MS, 80 (94%) (38 SIM and 42 NM) did not benefit from HRT after cancer treatment; 76% presented no CI of HRT.

Conclusion Menopausal symptoms and sexual disorders are frequently reported by EOCS, particularly among surgically induced menopause patients. A majority of EOCS with MS may beneficiate from HRT to improve these symptoms.

Disclosures The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest in relation to the subject of the article.

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