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525 Concurrent chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery for cervical cancer: a multicenter retrospective study of 126 cases
  1. Asmàa Fouad,
  2. Nabila Youssouf,
  3. Sanaa Benrahhal,
  4. Mustapha Benhessou,
  5. Simohamed Ennachit and
  6. Mohamed Elkarroumi
  1. Uhc Ibn Rochd; Med VI Center for Gyneacologic and Breast Cancer Treatment


Introduction/Background Cervical cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in women worldwide. Radio-chemotherapy significantly improved overall survival rates, without recurrence, and reduced the rate of distant metastatic dissemination. The objective of this work is to describe the histological response of cervical cancer treated with concomitant radiotherapy and chemotherapy (CCRT) followed by surgery, as well as the preoperative difficulties and morbidity related to surgery

Methodology This is a retrospective study of 126 patients treated for cervical cancer by CCRT followed by surgery at the Med VI Center for Gyneacologic and Breast Cancer Treatment at the UHC Ibn Rochd from January 2016 to December 2018.

Results The average age of the patients was 51, the mean total time from symptom onset to medical consultation was 7,5 months. Stage IIB was the discovery stage in 71% of the patients. Cervical biopsy results showed squamous cell carcinoma in 79%, adenocarcinoma in 16% and 5% of patients had other histological types.

All of our patients received a weekly chemotherapy of 40 mg of cisplatin, 4 cycles on average, associated with external radiotherapy sessions reaching 45 and 50 Gy supplemented by brachytherapy for 68 patients, 46% of patients were referred for surgery without additional brachytherapy most often due to lack of means. Surgical treatment, radical hysterectomy with salpingo-oophorectomy and bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy was performed in 91.26% and 75.55% had a radical hysterectomy due to peroperative difficulties. The tumor residue was macroscopic in 29 patients. The surgical margins were positive in 8 cases. Parameters were invaded in 5 patients, 22 cases showed positive vascular emboles, Lymph node curage was positive in 14 cases.

Conclusion The overall treatment period is a main prognostic factor and second surgery following CCRT remains a great concern because of its morbidity.

Disclosures The authors declare they have no conflict of interest

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