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EP1095 Timing of urinary catheter removal after radical hysterectomy. A single institution study
  1. J Billod
  1. Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center, Baguio City, Philippines


Introduction/Background Radical hysterectomy remains to be the primary surgery for selected early stage cervical and endometrial cancer. Functional disorders of the lower urinary tract are the most common complications following radical surgery necessitating catheterization. This study was undertaken to evaluate the average day of removal of urinary catheter after radical hysterectomy and assess the practicability of earlier removal of catheter without compromising the bladder function.

Methodology A descriptive retrospective study of patients who underwent radical hysterectomy for cervical or endometrial cancer. Medical, intraoperative and anesthesia records and results of the histopathologic diagnosis of each patient were reviewed. Demographic, clinical and histopathologic data needed in this review were recorded.

Results Between January 2016 and July 2018, a total of 26 patients underwent radical hysterectomy (25 patients for cervical cancer and 1 for endometrial carcinoma), with a median age of 51. Among patients with cervical cancer, 1 patient is stage IA2, 16 patients are stage IB1, 3 patients with stage IIA1, and 5 patients had central tumor recurrence after primary concurrent radiation plus brachytherapy. The average operative time is 2.48 hours and the average blood loss is 500 ml. No morbidities reported related to the surgery. The average size of cervix, length of vagina and lateral width of parametria were 3.0 cm, 2.2 cm and 4.2 cm, respectively. There was no parametrial metastasis. One patient had pelvic node metastasis. Catheters were removed between 3rdand 10thpostoperative day (median 4 days). All patients had adequate (more than 100 ml) spontaneous void within 6 hours after removal.

Conclusion The primary outcome supports the hypothesis that an earlier removal of catheter seems to be a safe and practical option compared to long-term catheterization for patients undergoing radical hysterectomy without causing morbidities thus providing better quality of life after a radical surgery.

Disclosure Nothing to disclose

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