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EP914 Port site resection after laparoscopy in advance ovarian cancer surgery: time to abandon?
  1. T Marina Martín,
  2. V Lago Leal,
  3. P Padilla Iserte,
  4. L Matute Tobías,
  5. M Gurrea Soteras and
  6. S Domingo del Pozo
  1. Gynecologic Oncology, University Hospital La Fe, Valencia, Spain


Introduction/Background The use of laparoscopy in the treatment and management of advanced ovarian cancer is increasing among the gynaecologic oncologists. The development of port site metastases after laparoscopy is a concern and a matter of debate due to theoretical iatrogenic disease spread. Port site resection (PSR) has been proposed as an option to avoid this scenario.

Methodology One hundred and twenty-three patients with advanced ovarian cancer (FIGO III–IV) and with diagnostic laparoscopy were included and after cytoreductive surgery were classified into two groups: no port site resection (No-PSR) and port site resection (PSR). Based on the pathological results of all port site specimens, PSR was classified as positive port site metastasis (PSM+) and negative port site metastasis (PSM−).

Results In 82 cases, the laparoscopic port site access was resected in the debulking surgery. At the final specimen examination, 49% presented as PSM+. No statistical differences regarding survival were found, either between the No-PSR and PSR groups (p=0.28) or between the PSM+ and PSM - groups (p=0.92). A higher wound complication rate was found in the PSR group (17% vs. 34%; p=0.047). The RR (Relative Risk) of wound events for PSR was 2.42 (95% CI 1.09–5.35; p=0.0296).

Conclusion To date, not only there is no data supporting PSR after laparoscopy in advanced ovarian cancer, but the role of PSM+ in prognosis also remains unclear. In patients in which laparoscopy is performed prior to the debulking procedure, the PSR may not be recommended in those cases of no macroscopic port site metastasis.

Disclosure Nothing to disclose.

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