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EP754 Expression of OCT4, Sox2/3 self-renewal genes and gankyrin oncogene in patients with ovarian cancer
  1. N Sharifi
  1. Department of Mashad Medical University, Mashhad, Islamic Republic of Iran


Introduction/Background The aim of this study is to investigate the expression of Sox 2/3, gankyrin and oct 4 biomarkers in tumoral tissues and their comparison with normal and benign cases to clarify the biological role of these biomarkers in emergence and progress of cancer for ovarian carcinoma diagnosis and examination of these biomarkers in different degrees of the disease and different clinicopathological types of this cancer.

Methodology In this regard, the staining percentage and severity, as well as nuclear, cytoplasmic, epithelial and stromal coloration, were investigated based on clinicopathological and histological grade of tumor in 77 paraffin embedded sampeles from 77 cases of various epithelial ovarian lesions from the pathology archives of Ghaem Hospitalfrom 2015 to 2017 in the form of targetednon random sampling. The results were presented as mean and percentages in the form of tables. Data processing was done by SPSS-22 software. For statistical analysis, Chi-square or exact Fisher testswere used with a significant level of P-value ≤0.05.

Results Overall, concerning gankyrin biomarker, a positive and significant relationship was found between stainability percentage, epithelial, nuclear and cytoplasmic stainability and malignancy (in the study serous adenocarcinomas).

In the case of SOX2-3 biomarker, there was a significant correlation between the stainability percentage and epithelial stainability and ovarian carcinoma.

In the case of OCT-4 biomarkers, there was a significant relationship between stainability percentage and cytoplasmic stainability and ovarian carcinoma.

Conclusion Regarding the above-mentioned results, gankyrin biomarker is suitable for early diagnosis and prognosis of ovarian carcinoma and should be considered in future studies.

In general, according to the results of this study, more studies are required to select SOX2/3 and OCT-4 biomarkers for early diagnosis and prognosis of ovarian carcinoma, and their stainabilitypercentage is the most appropriate option for this biomarker according to this study.

Disclosure Nothing to disclose.

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