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Introduction/Background Diagnosed cancer during pregnancy is a very rare situation related to severe maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Diagnosis, proper management and monitoring of these cases requires specialized knowledge, experience and cooperation of many specialties. The aim of this study is to determine the maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in these cases and the impacts caused by a delayed diagnosis or treatment of a malignancy during pregnancy.
Methodology We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients, who were diagnosed with malignancy during pregnancy and gave birth to viable fetuses (>25th week of gestation) from May 2004 to February 2019, in our clinic. Cases with in situ carcinoma were excluded.
Results Out of 25.672 pregnant women 16 (0.06%) were diagnosed with gynecological malignancy during pregnancy. The average age of patients was 35 years old. 14.2% of the cases were diagnosed in 1st trimester, 64.3% in 2nd and 21.5% in 3rd trimester pregnancy. Maternal mortality rate raised to 35.7%. The disease was initially diagnosed in 24.1% of the patients and the recurrence rate of known malignancies in pregnancy was 14.2%. 21,4% of these women were diagnosed with advanced stage cancer. In 57% of the cases there was a delayed diagnosis, mainly caused by underestimation of the symptoms by the doctor. 78.6% were led to premature birth by caesarean section in order to complete the treatment of the malignancy. The mean age of gestation was 31w+3d and the average birth weight of newborns was 1600 kg.
Conclusion In 57% of the cases of cancer during pregnancy there was a delayed diagnosis due to underestimation of the symptoms by the doctor. Only 21.4% of the women were treated for the malignancy continuing their pregnancy in order to prevent premature birth and bad neonatal outcome.
Disclosure Nothing to disclose.