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Introduction/Background The pregnancy-associated breast cancer (BC) refers to a breast malignancy diagnosed during pregnancy or in the first postpartum year. This diagnosis is expected to become more frequent since there is an increasing trend for women to delay childbering. Understanding the effect of pregnancy on survival in women with history of BC will help in the counseling of these patients.
Aim To analize characteristics of pregnancy-associated BC in our clinic. We also evaluated the outcome of pregnancy in women with history of BC.
Methodology The study evaluated cases from January 2006 to March 2019. We analysed data from the patients record and histological exam results.
Results We had 6 patients pregnancy-associated cancer: 1 in the first trimester, 3 in the third trimester, and 2 during first year after delivery. The age was between 28 and 38 years. Only one women had familial genetic predisposition - father with BC. The ending of pregnancy was by abortion for the pregnancy at 10 weeks of gestation and delivery at 29, 38 and 37 weeks (all with triple-negative tumors). During the pregnancy the breast tumor had a faster development. Bilateral ovarian micrometastasis were found at patient with 29 weeks of gestation. Radical mastectomy was done as first therapeutic step, excepting one women. We had 3 cases with pregnancy 2 years after BC diagnosis and treatment: one had lung metastasis at 35 weeks of gestation, another one 1 year after delivery (both died), one has 20 weeks pregnancy in evolution (after FIV).
Conclusion Breast cancer is a rare tumor associated with pregnancy. It’s occurring during pregnancy presents a challenging clinical situation since the welfare of both the mother and the fetus must be taken into account in any treatment planning. In our opinion pregnancy after 2 years from BC treatment it seems to reduce survival.
Disclosure Nothing to disclose.