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Introduction/Background Carcinoma sigma in young women is a very rare illness, especially in pregnancy. Incidence of colorectal carcinoma in our country is high and it is on third place per incidence and third cause of death of all carcinomas in women.
Methodology 29-year old women was admitted in our hospital in 36 weeks gestation because of anemia and general weaknesses. In last month of pregnancy she noticed big mass under right rebated port.We did detail examination. Ultrasound examination showed liver with big multiple focuses of suspected meta changes. Parameter in blood were high like lactic dehidrogenasa, liver enzymes were just little higher than normal and all parameter of red cells were very small. Ultrasound of pregnancy showed one fetus normally developed for gestation of 36 weeks. We were not sure what is primary localization of tumor and what is cause of metasis changes on liver.
Results We performed Caesarean section and delivered healthy baby boy 2900 grams, Apgar score 8/9.
Detail examination of abdominal cavity showed us big mass inside sigma colon and big multiple metastasis on liver. We performed a colostomy. She left hospital after 15 days and she receives chemotherapy till now.
Conclusion Carcinomas which are very rare in young women can be diagnosed even in pregnancy.In our case we thought that pregnancy masked the clinical picture so we could not see big liver and it was impossible to diagnosed carcinoma sigma without any specific symptoms.Our country were bombarding with depleted uranium so we have many unusual cases with malignancy in young women, unfortunately.
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