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Introduction/Background Different types of cancer dominate in different age groups. Oncofertility, a discipline that merges oncology and reproductive medicine, gives adolescent patients a chance to experience the joy of parenthood after the cancer treatment is finished.
Methodology Purpose is to present the implementation and first outcomes of Oncofertility Programme in the University Clinic of Endocrynological Gynecology and Gynecology, University Hospital in Krakow, Poland.
Patients interested in fertility preservation have been consulted in the University Clinic of Endocrinological Gynecology and Gynecology in Krakow since April 2016. Preliminary qualification to one of the available methods (embryo cryopreservation, oocyte cryopreservation, ovarian tissue cryopreservation) was conducted.
Results During 24 months, 18 patients were consulted. The youngest consulted patient was 20 years old, the oldest 39.
Time from diagnosis to oncofertility consultation in our Clinic ranged from 2 days to 55 days.
The time from oncofertility consultation to oocyte retrieval varied from 25 to 63 days, to ovarian tissue cryopreservation equaled 7 days.
The time from fertility preservation procedure to onset of the treatment varied from 3 to 6 days.
Two years after the first consultation, telephone survey among consulted patients was carried to verify whether the patients finally underwent oncofertility procedures and ask about their reproductive status.
Four patients ultimately underwent oncofertility procedures: three oocyte cryopreservation and one ovarian tissue cryopreservation and did not use preserved material so far.
Two patients already delivered healthy babies. Both conceived spontaneously during remission of the disease.
Conclusion The problem of fertility issues being inadequately addressed results in low referral rates to oncofertility programmes.
Attempts to rise awareness of oncofertility possibilities among oncologists should be undertaken, as critically few patients are being referred to oncofertility centres.
Disclosure Nothing to disclose.