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EP608 Learning curve with ICG SLN mapping in endometrial cancer
  1. AA Quesada Lopez-Fe1,2,
  2. JA Pérez Álvarez1,
  3. T De Ganzo Suarez1,
  4. D Preckler Peña1 and
  5. G Gómez De la Rosa1
  1. 1Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de Candelaria
  2. 2Hospital Nuestra Señora de Candelaria, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain


Introduction/Background Appropriate extent of lymphadenectomy in clinically, early stage endometrial cancer remains controversial but sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping has emerged as an alternative staging strategy, until the advent of molecular prognostic markers.

The aim our study was to determine feasibility and mapping rates progression usin indocyanine green (ICG) for sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping in endometrial cancer.

Methodology We analized the data of our cohort of 46 women.

23 women with les than 50% of myometrial inversion (MI) and 23 with more than 50% of MI.

One vial of 25 mg of ICG isd reconstittuted with 10cc of aqueous sterile water. A total of 4cc is used for the intracervical injections at 3 and 9 o´clock deeply into the cervical stroma and superficially.

Results Our results show global detection rates of 80,5% (37/46) and bilateral detection rate of 45% (17/46). If we analize the results based in the learnig curve. The first 20 women had a detection rate of 80% but only bilateral rate of 30%.

The last 26 women had a detection rate of 81% (21/26) and bilateral rate of 77%.

If we consider only the last 10 patients the detection rate was 100% with a bilateral detection rate of 80%.

There were 2 positive sentynel nodes (5%) both in the group of women with more than 50% MI. The false negative rate of sentynel node was 0%.

There were not further additional complications due to the technique of SNL ICG mapping.

Conclusion ICG SNL mapping for endometrial cancer is a feasible, safe and cheap technique.

During the learning curve we do not have complications and the improvement in the detection rate appears after few cases.

Disclosure Nothing to disclose.

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