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Introduction/Background Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix (NECC) is a rare variant of cervical cancer. The prognosis of women with NECC is poor and there is no standardized therapy for this type of malignancy.
Methodology Three patients with NECC were treated in our department.
Results The first woman aged 31 was diagnosed with Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, Ki67 99%. MR scan showed a tumor of cervix and metastases in pelvic lymph nodes. She received chemotherapy Etoposide and Cisplatin (EP) with complete remission of disease. Subsequently, she underwent surgery and pelvic irradiation. 18 months following the completion of treatment there is no evidence of metastatic or recurrent disease. The second woman aged 47 underwent surgical conization of the cervix, and microscopic examination revealed Carcinoma planoepitheliale praecipue akeratodes, partim keratode, partim neuroendocrinale G3, Ki 67 80%. MRI of pelvis revealed infiltration of cervix. She received EP chemotherapy with complete remission. Afterwards, pelvic irradiation was performed. 6 months following the treatment there is no evidence of metastatic or recurrent disease. The third woman aged 66 was diagnosed with metastatic Small cell neuroendocrine cancer, Ki 67 90%. She received chemotherapy EP. There was partial regression in the assessment of the treatment effect. PET-CT scan revealed a single active localization of cervical cancer. Radical pelvic irradiation was performed. 3,5 months following the completion of treatment she was diagnosed with progressive disease. She received chemotherapy EP and Topotecan. She eventually was qualified to Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide chemotherapy. So far she received 4 courses and a CT scan showed stable disease.
Conclusion NECC is a rare variant of cervical cancer with a poor prognosis. Multimodality treatment with radical surgery and chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposide and radiotherapy is the mainstay of treatment for early stage disease, while chemotherapy with different chemotherapeutics is used for locally advanced or recurrent NECC.
Disclosure Nothing to disclose.