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201 Laparoscopic extra-peritoneal para-aortic node dissections in the belfast trust over the last 9 years: a single institution experience for locally advanced cervical carcinoma
  1. K Reilly,
  2. E Craig,
  3. H Nagar,
  4. S Dobbs,
  5. M McComiskey and
  6. I Harley
  1. Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Gynaecology, Belfast, UK


Objectives Cervical cancer is one of the most commonly occurring female cancers with increasing incidence. The mainstay of treatment for locally advanced disease is primary chemoradiotherapy. Pre-operative imaging in combination with laparoscopic extraperitoneal para-aortic node dissection (LEPAND) has been used to best target this treatment. This study looked at all women in the Belfast Trust over the last 9 years who had this investigation as part of their pre-treatment workup.

Methods Retrospective data was collected for all those who had LEPAND for locally advanced cervical cancer from January 2010 to December 2018. All women had pre-operative imaging that suggested positive pelvic nodes but negative para-aortic nodes.

Results Sixty women were identified in this group ageing 23–69 with median age 39. 93.3% had stage 2b cervical cancer, the remainder were 1b2 or 3b. 17% had adenocarcinoma of the cervix and 83% had squamous cell carcinoma. The median survival overall is 5 years. 70% of women had primary LEPAND surgery before chemoradiotherapy with the remainder having primary treatment before surgery. 15% of the study population died, 90% of which died within two years of diagnosis. 67% of these women had primary LEPAND followed by chemoradiotherapy with the others proceeding straight to primary treatment prior to surgery. 5% (3/60) had positive para-aortic nodes on histopathology although 100% appeared node negative on MRI/PET imaging. None with positive nodes had recurrences but 66% died within 2 years.

Conclusions Despite having negative nodes on imaging 5% had positive para-aortic lymph nodes on histopathology. LEPAND surgery prevented undertreatment in these women.

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