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11 Flabra, frontline approach for BRCA testing in ovarian cancer (OC) treatment naïve population. A latin america (LA) epidemiologic study
  1. S Goncalves1,
  2. G Gomez Abuin2,
  3. D Gallardo3,
  4. P Estevez Diz4,
  5. V Caceres5,
  6. M De la Vega6,
  7. F Palazzo7,
  8. G Lerzo8,
  9. D Kaen9,
  10. R Gerson10,
  11. M Lim11,
  12. M Philco12,
  13. M Moreira Costa Zorzzeto13,
  14. AC De Melo14,
  15. R Hegg15,
  16. R de Oliveira Santana16,
  17. P Medeiros Milhomen Beato17,
  18. L Trujillo18,
  19. M Plata19,
  20. A Yepes20,
  21. A Cock21,
  22. MM Bonifacino22,
  23. M Cortes23,
  24. L Fein24,
  25. C Castillo25,
  26. C Pacheco26,
  27. M Ticona27,
  28. E Hoyoa28,
  29. R Jaramillo29,
  30. J Soare Nunes30,
  31. A Menezes Morelle31,
  32. A Freire de Carvalho Calabrich32,
  33. EH Cronemberger Costa e Silva33,
  34. P Mora34,
  35. F Damian35,
  36. I Diaz Perez36,
  37. L Sganga37,
  38. MH Pereira38,
  39. H Ramirez39,
  40. A Nogueira40,
  41. R Guindalini41,
  42. V Miranda42 and
  43. G Giornelli43
  1. 1ASTRAZENCA, Medical Affairs LATAM, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  2. 2Hospital Aleman, Oncology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  3. 3INCAN, Oncology, Mexico, Mexico
  4. 4Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo – ICESP, Oncology, San Paulo, Brazil
  5. 5Instituto Angel Roffo, Oncology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  6. 6CEMIC, Oncology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  7. 7Instituto Sagrada Familia, Oncology, San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina
  8. 8Instituto Fundación Investigar, Oncology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  9. 9COIR, Oncology, La Rioja, Argentina
  10. 10The American British Cowdray Medical Center I.A.P. Centro Medico ABC, Oncology, Mexico, Mexico
  11. 11Instituto Oncológico Nacional, Oncology, Panama, Panama
  12. 12Hospital Nacional Alberto Sabogal Sologuren, Oncology, Callao, Peru
  13. 13Hospital do Câncer de Barretos, Oncology, San Paulo, Brazil
  14. 14Instituto Nacional de Câncer INCA, Oncology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  15. 15Hospital Pérola Byington, Oncology, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  16. 16Instituto do Câncer do Ceará, Oncology, Ceara, Brazil
  17. 17Fundação Amaral Carvalho, Oncology, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  18. 18Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Oncology, Bogota, Colombia
  19. 19Fundación Cardio Infantil, Oncology, Bogota, Colombia
  20. 20Clinica Vida, Oncology, Medellin, Colombia
  21. 21Instituto de Cancerología de la Clínica las Américas, Oncology, Medellin, Colombia
  22. 22Nuvisan, Latinamerica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  23. 23Instituto Reina Fabiola, Oncology, Cordoba, Argentina
  24. 24Centro Oncológico de Rosario, Oncology, Rosario, Argentina
  25. 25Hospital Perrando, Oncology, Resistencia, Argentina
  26. 26ONCOSALUD, Oncology, Lima, Peru
  27. 27Hosp. Edgardo Rebagliati, Oncology, Lima, Peru
  28. 28Oncomédica – IMAT, Oncology, Monteria, Colombia
  29. 29Hemato Oncólogos Cali, Oncology, Cali, Colombia
  30. 30Hospital Erasto Gaertner:, Oncology, Curitiba, Brazil
  31. 31Hospital Moinhos de Vento, Oncology, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  32. 32Ensino e terapia de Inovação Clínica AMO, Oncology, Rio Vermelho, Brazil
  33. 33Centro Regional Integrado de Oncologia – CRIO, Oncology, Alvaro Weyne, Brazil
  34. 34Instituto COI de Pesquisa, Oncology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  35. 35Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, oncology, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
  36. 36AstraZeneca, Medical Affairs, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  37. 37AstraZeneca, Diagnostics, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  38. 38AstraZeneca, Medical LATAM, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  39. 39Fundacion Valle de Lili, Oncology, Valle de Lili, Colombia
  40. 40Angelica Nogueira Hospital das Clínicas- UFMG, Oncology, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  41. 41CLION Salvador, Oncology, Salvador, Brazil
  42. 42Vanessa Miranda Instituto D’OR, Oncology, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  43. 43Instituto Alexander Fleming, Oncology, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Objectives Previously described prevalence of BRCA mutated OC is 14% for germline BRCA mutations (gBRCAM), that could increase to 20% considering somatic BRCA mutations (sBRCAM). Latinamerican population is a paradigm of poly-ethnicity and ancestries and the prevalence of BRCAm is unknown.

FLABRA is a cross-sectional, multi-center study designed to determine the prevalence of BRCAm, either sBRCAM or gBRCAM in high grade serous OC LA patients, with a new approach of start testing in tumor. We also aimed to describe current genetic counselling and treatment approach at frontline in this population.

Methods We enrolled 407 patients from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Panama, diagnosed with OC within the last 120 days. Archived tumor blocks or 10-µm sections were used for BRCA testing in tissue (Myriad Tumor BRACAnalysis CDx™). Patients who were positive in tumor, were analysed in blood to determine if the mutation was from germline (Myriad Single Site BRACAnalysis®). In gBRCAM, genetic counseling was advised. Patients medical records were reviewed for data relevant to medical history, OC diagnosis, counseling approach, and treatment plan.

Results Results from first 376 patients who already completed the study: BRCA mutations prevalence detected in tumor was 30%.

Abstract 11 Table 1

Conclusions Our data show a high prevalence of sBRCAM and gBRCAM in LA OC pts. Additionally, this new approach of start testing the tumor may prove to be more cost effective, leading to a more conclusive result; so refinement of this technique is a must. The high prevalence of sBRCAM in certain regions of LA needs to be further investigated.

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