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Objectives Previously described prevalence of BRCA mutated OC is 14% for germline BRCA mutations (gBRCAM), that could increase to 20% considering somatic BRCA mutations (sBRCAM). Latinamerican population is a paradigm of poly-ethnicity and ancestries and the prevalence of BRCAm is unknown.
FLABRA is a cross-sectional, multi-center study designed to determine the prevalence of BRCAm, either sBRCAM or gBRCAM in high grade serous OC LA patients, with a new approach of start testing in tumor. We also aimed to describe current genetic counselling and treatment approach at frontline in this population.
Methods We enrolled 407 patients from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Panama, diagnosed with OC within the last 120 days. Archived tumor blocks or 10-µm sections were used for BRCA testing in tissue (Myriad Tumor BRACAnalysis CDx™). Patients who were positive in tumor, were analysed in blood to determine if the mutation was from germline (Myriad Single Site BRACAnalysis®). In gBRCAM, genetic counseling was advised. Patients medical records were reviewed for data relevant to medical history, OC diagnosis, counseling approach, and treatment plan.
Results Results from first 376 patients who already completed the study: BRCA mutations prevalence detected in tumor was 30%.
Conclusions Our data show a high prevalence of sBRCAM and gBRCAM in LA OC pts. Additionally, this new approach of start testing the tumor may prove to be more cost effective, leading to a more conclusive result; so refinement of this technique is a must. The high prevalence of sBRCAM in certain regions of LA needs to be further investigated.