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Objectives Describe the vaccination coverage among girls between 2014–2018 at two cities in Pernambuco state.
Methods Data from DATASUS (informatic department of Sistema Único de Saúde) were analyzed. Although we had studied data from all cities in Pernambuco, only Recife and Abreu e Limavaccination coverage were reported here. Data from 2016 was unavailable at DATASUS.
Results Vaccination coverage was high in 2014 at Recife (204%), when the program was started and performed at schools, what may justify more than 100% of coverage since many children from metropolitan area study at this city. At Abreu e Lima, there was also a high coverage (94,7%), above government goals. Overall, coverage of second dose was lower than the first dose. Thereafter, we watch an incisive breakdown of the HPV vaccination coverage at Recife. Currently, Brazilian government offers 2 doses of tetravalent HPV vaccine for 11–14 years old girls and although there was a recommendation of schoolers’ vaccination, it was not systematically made. On the other hand, those cities where schoolers were systematically vaccinated, like Abreu e Lima, we observe high coverage, especially in 2018.
Conclusions Even though cervical cancer is a preventable disease, it is still one of the most common cause of cancer in Brazil. HPV vaccination is one strategy adopted against this reality, but geographic and cultural barriers are identified. Currently, HPV vaccination coverage at Recife is negligible and reflects failure of the actual strategy. Multiple efforts, including schoolers vaccination, may increase rates of vaccination and change this landscape.