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Objectives To trace a profile of patients with the diagnosis of uterine sarcomas, followed in the IBCC – Brazil, between the years of 2000 and 2017.
Methods It was performed a retrospective analysis of the medical records and clinical charts of patients diagnosed with Uterine Sarcomas, wich were treated in our institution between February 2000 and December 2017 to compare our results with the world literature.
Results A total of 26 patients were included in the study. The definitive diagnosis (of uterine sarcomas) was made by anatomopathological examination associated with immunohistochemical analysis. The histological subtypes were allocated as: leiomyosarcomas (53,84%), endometrial stromal sarcoma (30,76%), adenosarcoma (7,69%), fibromyosarcoma (3,84%) and undifferentiated sarcoma (3,84%). The onset mean age found is 59,46 years (range: 30–91 years). In many cases, the initial symptoms could be rather nonspecific, such as abnormal vaginal bleeding (53,84%, in wich 64,28% presented postmenopausal bleeding) and abdominal or pelvic pain (34,61%). In 11,53% of the cases, the onset symptoms were nonspecific. The totality (26 patients) of the patients were submitted to surgical treatment and 80,76% of them required adjuvant treatment. There was a global recurrence of 50% of the cases.
Conclusions Uterine sarcomas are rare tumors with poor prognosis with high risk of recurrence or metastases. The data collected in this review are consistent with what is shown in the world medical literature.