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401 From atypical myoma to uterine sarcoma: about three clinical cases
  1. J Bakenga
  1. Clinique du Fief de Grim, Gynecologic surgery, Poit, France


Objectives To identify the characteristics of uterine sarcoma and assess the complexity of pre operative diagnosis

Design: Case report study

Setting: Fief de Grimoire Clinics of Poitiers-Gustav Roussy Intitute-Paris

Methods Three patients with suspected myoma in MRI and Ultrasound had been operated in our Center in 2018

Intervention: all descriptive datas, including diagnosis imaging, type of surgery, clinical and pathologic datas were reviewed

Pathologis findings are analysed and criticised

Results Imaging finfings talk about’’’’’suspected vascularisation of the myoma’’’’’.

The indication for surgery was related to myoma growth and myoma modifications.

Open surgery was performed to prevent morcelayion risk.

Two of those three patients had prior myomectomy (one in laparoscopy, the other in hysteroscopy).

At final pathological analysis, two of three patients had low grade sarcoma.

One of those three patients have had radiotherapy.

Literature had been reviewed and discussion on the importance of MRI description.

The non predictability of MRI in suspected myoma is noticed.

Conclusions Taking into account the negative impact of morcelation in sarcoma, all suspected myoma in women without child bearing have led to total hysterectomy by laparotomy-The only one patiente who had no children at 48 years old was found to have low grade sarcoma and went for post opérative radiotherapy.

  • Atypical myoma-MRI-Uterine sarcoma

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