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341 Ovarian cancer care at a hospital with an igcs global curriculum fellowship
  1. Q Tran1,
  2. J Ng2,
  3. L Van Le3,
  4. C DeStephano4,
  5. Q Tran1,
  6. T Dinh4 and
  7. TH Vo5
  1. 1Da Nang Oncology Hospital, Gynecologic Oncology, Da Nang, Vietnam
  2. 2National University Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Singapore
  3. 3University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Gynecologic Oncology, Chapel Hill, USA
  4. 4Mayo Clinic Florida, Medical and Surgical Gynecology, Jacksonville, USA
  5. 5Da Nang University of Medical Technology and Pharmacy, Pharmacy, da nang, Vietnam


Objectives To determine the impact of implementation of an IGCS global curriculum fellowship on cancer care.

Methods We performed a retrospective review of consecutive ovarian cancer cases treated since the start of the IGCS Global Curriculum fellowship on July, 2017 and March, 2019 at Danang Oncology Hospital (DOH). There were 2 groups of patients- those who underwent surgery for ovarian cancer at a general hospital then referred to DOH and those who were diagnosed and treated at DOH primarily. Clinical parameters of the 2 groups were compared. Chi-Squared analysis was used to compare the 2 groups.

Results Between July, 2017 and March, 2019, 65 consecutive ovarian cancer cases were treated at DOH. 27 patients were initially treated at a general hospital and referred, and 38 patients were diagnosed and treated at DOH. Correct diagnosis was rendered in 55% of referred patients compared to 97% of patients diagnosed initially at DOH (p=0.000003).

Correct staging surgery was done in 7.4% of referred patients compared to 42% of patients operated primarily at DOH (p<0.000001). There was a trend towards optimal debulking favoring DOH. Time to chemotherapy did not differ between the 2 groups. Germ cell tumors were more likely to be diagnosed at a general hospital than at DOH (p=0.04).

Conclusions Receiving care for ovarian cancer at a hospital affiliated with IGCS Global Curriculum Fellowship more often resulted in correct diagnosis and surgery. There are still opportunities to improve. There is a need to educate non oncology surgeons about clinical presentation of adnexal masses in the young patient.

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