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242 Introducing herbal medicine into conventional health care
  1. TA Mohammed MBBS DSC
  1. Pharmacology, Academic and Research, Hyderabad, India


Objectives Ayurvedic treatment is although highly effective; proper mode of action, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacovigilance of many important Ayurvedic drugs are still not fully explored. Moreover, the comprehensive knowledge of the basic ideologies of Ayurveda is poorly acceptable scientifically due to lack of evidence. In the modern time, when the Western medicinal system is reached almost at the top because of validated research and advanced techniques.


  • There is a lack of cooperation and willingness of Biomedical Scientists who are often unduly skeptical and carry prejudice

  • More than a thousand Ayurvedic postgraduates pass out each year and enter into the streamline of academics and practice. Among them, only a few choose their profession as researcher in Ayurveda

  • Neither has the Ayurvedic teaching changed in the last 50 years nor have the textbooks enriched with new research methodologies.

Results Basic differences between Ayurveda and modern science should be taken into account when designing the research protocols· The main concern must be given to the classical approach of AyurvedaPrakriti, Agni, Dhatu, Srotas, Rasayana, Shatkriyakala, Agnibala, Ojabala, Manobala, etc.

Conclusions The drug should be the last rather than first mean of treatment, beginning with the natural healing method like Ayurveda. One of the Ayurvedic treatment modalities such as Panchkarma can remove disease before its manifestation. Having all the above beauties, Ayurveda is still lagging behind because of the lack of scientific evidence in many cases and poor research methodology.

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