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Validation of the Predictive Value of Modeled Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Residual Production in Low-Risk Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia Patients Treated in NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group–174 Phase III Trial


  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Benoit You, MD, PhD, Service d’Oncologie Médicale, Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud, Hospices Civils de Lyon, F-69310. 165, chemin du grand Revoyet 69495 Pierre-Bénite, France. E-mail:


You B, Deng W, Hénin E, et al
Validation of the Predictive Value of Modeled Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Residual Production in Low-Risk Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia Patients Treated in NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group–174 Phase III Trial

Publication history

  • Received May 1, 2015
  • First published January 1, 2016.
Online issue publication 
January 27, 2021

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