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Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup (GCIG) Consensus Review for Mullerian Adenosarcoma of the Female Genital Tract
  1. Michael Leonard Friedlander, MBChB, FRACP, PhD*,
  2. Alan Covens, MD,
  3. Rosalind M. Glasspool, MBBS, PhD, FRCP,
  4. Felix Hilpert, MD§,
  5. Gunnar Kristensen, MD, PhD,
  6. Sanghoon Kwon, MD, PhD,
  7. Frederic Selle, MD#,
  8. William Small, MD**,
  9. Els Witteveen, MD, PhD, and
  10. Peter Russell, MD*,,
  1. * From the Australia and New Zealand Gynecological Oncology Group (ANZGOG);
  2. Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, Canada, (GOG);
  3. Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Glasgow, Scotland, (SGCTG);
  4. §University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein Campus Kiel, Germany, (AGO);
  5. Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo, Norway, (NSGO);
  6. School of Medicine, Dongsan Hospital, Keimyung University, Korea, (KGOG);
  7. #Centre Leon Berard, Lyon, France, (GINECO);
  8. **Department of Radiation Oncology, Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University, Chicago, IL, (RTOG);
  9. ††University Medical Center, Utrecht Cancer Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands, (DGOG); and the
  10. ‡‡Department of Obstetrics Gynaecology and Neonatology, The University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, (ANZGOG).
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Michael Leonard Friedlander, MBChB, FRACP, PhD, Prince of Wales Hospital, Department of Medical Oncology, Barker Street, Randwick, New South Wales, Australia 2031. E-mail: michael.friedlander{at}


Mullerian adenosarcomas of the female genital tract are rare malignancies, originally described in the uterus, the most common site of origin, but they may also arise in extrauterine locations. Uterine adenosarcomas make up 5% of uterine sarcomas and tend to occur in postmenopausal women. They are usually low-grade tumors and are characterized by a benign epithelial component with a malignant mesenchymal component, which is typically a low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma but can also be a high-grade sarcoma. Tumors that exhibit a high-grade sarcomatous overgrowth have a worse outcome. Adenosarcomas have been described as being midway along the spectrum between benign adenofibromas and carcinosarcomas. They generally have a good prognosis with the exception of deeply invasive tumors or those with high-grade sarcomatous overgrowth. Extrauterine adenosarcomas also have a higher risk for recurrence. In view of their rarity, there have not been any clinical trials in mullerian adenosarcomas and relatively little research. This article reviews the current knowledge and provides recommendation for the management of mullerian adenosarcomas.

  • Mullerian adenosarcoma review

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  • The authors declare no conflicts of interest.