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Desensitization With Oxaliplatin in Patients Intolerant of Carboplatin Desensitization
  1. Peter G. Rose, MD*,
  2. Carol Metz, RN and
  3. Nicolas Link, PhD
  1. *Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Cleveland Clinic; Departments of
  2. Oncology Nursing, and
  3. Oncology Pharmacy, Hillcrest Hospital, Cleveland Clinic of Healthcare System, Cleveland, OH.
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Peter G. Rose, MD, Cleveland Clinic Health System, 9500 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44195. E-mail:


Introduction The tolerance and efficacy of oxaliplatin desensitization in patients who were intolerant of carboplatin desensitization were determined.

Materials and Methods We retrospectively reviewed the Gynecologic Oncology patients who received carboplatin or oxaliplatin from December 2007 until August 2014. The number of treatments and number of patients of carboplatin standard infusions, carboplatin desensitizations, and oxaliplatin desensitizations were determined.

Results Carboplatin infusions (2294) were administered to 281 patients. Twenty-eight (10%) of these patients developed carboplatin hypersensitivity and were treated with 205 carboplatin desensitizations. Nine (29%) patients were subsequently treated with 61 oxaliplatin desensitizations due to intolerance of carboplatin desensitization. Nine of the 10 patients tolerated this infusion well. Four of 9 evaluable patients had an objective response, 2 complete and 2 partial.

Conclusions Oxaliplatin desensitization seems well tolerated and effective in most patients who are intolerant of carboplatin desensitization.

  • Carboplatin
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Oxaliplatin
  • Desensitization

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  • The authors declare no conflict of interest.