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Risk-Reducing Salpingectomy as Preventative Strategy for Pelvic Serous Cancer
  1. Charles K. Anderson, MD,
  2. Shannon Wallace, MD,
  3. Maryam Guiahi, MD,
  4. Jeanelle Sheeder, PhD,
  5. Kian Behbakht, MD and
  6. Monique A. Spillman, MD, PhD
  1. Division of Gynecologic Oncology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Aurora, CO.
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Charles Anderson, MD, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Campus Box B198-4, 12631 E 17th Ave, PO Box 6511, Aurora, CO 80045. E-mail: Charles.anderson{at}


Abstract The systemic failure to detect early-stage ovarian cancer may be attributed to a significant amount of pelvic serous cancers arising from the fallopian tube rather than the ovarian surface epithelium. This article reviews the possibility of applying risk-reducing salpingectomy as a new paradigm for the prevention of pelvic serous cancer in both high- and low-risk women.

  • Ovarian carcinoma
  • Salpingectomy
  • Risk reduction

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  • The authors declare no conflicts of interest.