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Clinical Trials and Treatment of the Elderly Diagnosed With Ovarian Cancer
  1. Gilles Freyer, MD, PhD* and
  2. Anna V. Tinker, MD
  1. * Department of Medical Oncology, Lyon University, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Pierre-Bénite Cédex, France; and
  2. Division of Medical Oncology, British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver, Canada.
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Anna V. Tinker, MD, Division of Medical Oncology, British Columbia Cancer Agency, 600 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC Canada V5Z 4E6. E-mail: ATinker{at}


Elderly patients are more commonly diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer and represent a growing proportion of all ovarian cancer cases. Despite this, the elderly have historically been underrepresented in clinical trials. Because clinical trials form the basis for most treatment guidelines and the elderly have been, to date, largely excluded from this process, little is known about the appropriate assessment and treatment of elderly ovarian cancer patients. Recognizing this knowledge deficit and the pressing need to correct it, this article aimed to summarize existing data and identify future areas of research focus.

  • Ovarian cancer
  • Elderly
  • Clinical trials

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