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Phase II Study of Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin and Carboplatin in Patients With Platinum-Sensitive and Partially Platinum-Sensitive Metastatic Ovarian Cancer
  1. B. L. Rapoport, BA, MMed*,
  2. D. A. Vorobiof, MD,
  3. C. Slabber, BSc, MBBCh, FCP,
  4. A. S. Alberts, MBBCh, PhD, FCP§,
  5. H. S. Hlophe, RN, MSc* and
  6. C. Mohammed, RN
  1. * The Medical Oncology Centre of Rosebank and
  2. Sandton Oncology Centre, Johannesburg;
  3. Mary Potter Oncology Centre and
  4. § Wilgers Oncology Centre, Pretoria, South Africa.
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Bernardo L. Rapoport, MD, The Medical Oncology Centre of Rosebank, PO Box 2040, Parklands 2121, Johannesburg, South Africa. E-mail: brapoport{at}


Objective: This phase II study assessed the activity and safety of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) plus carboplatin in relapsed ovarian cancer (ROC).

Method: Forty women with platinum-sensitive and partially platinum-sensitive ROC were treated with PLD 50 mg/m2 plus carboplatin area under the curve 5 every 28 days in this South African multicenter study. All patients who completed 3 cycles of chemotherapy were evaluated for response. Primary outcome was response in the intent-to-treat population.

Results: Complete response was 35%, and partial response was 32.5% (overall response, 67.5%). Median time-to-progression was 11.9 months, and median survival was 30.0 months. Overall response was higher in platinum-sensitive (81%) versus partially platinum-sensitive patients (53%), as were median duration of response, median time-to-progression, and median survival. Treatment was well tolerated, with no grade 4 nonhematologic toxicities. Grade 3/4 hematologic toxicities included leukopenia (58%), neutropenia (55%), and thrombocytopenia (43%).

Conclusion: Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin plus carboplatin is well tolerated and active in the treatment of platinum-sensitive and partially platinum-sensitive ROC.

  • Ovarian neoplasms
  • Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin
  • Doxorubicin
  • Carboplatin

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