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Preoperative tumor markers at diagnosis in women with malignant mixed müllerian tumors/carcinosarcoma of the uterus
  1. P. J. Hoskins* and
  2. N. Le
  1. * Division of Medical Oncology and
  2. Cancer Control Research, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Paul J. Hoskins, MA, FRCP(C), Division of Medical Oncology, BC Cancer Agency, 600 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada V5Z 4E6. Email: phoskins{at}


CA125 is a well-recognized marker for endometrial cancer. Uterine malignant mixed müllerian tumors (MMMTs) are increasingly being recognized as an aggressive adenocarcinoma, not a sarcoma. There are no data in the literature regarding CA125 in this malignancy. One hundred twelve women with surgically staged MMMT, diagnosed between July 1990 and September 2005, had a retrospective chart review performed. Preoperative CA125 levels were available in 29 (26%) women. Seventeen (49%) women had levels above the upper limit of normal of 35 kμ/L. Mean levels increased with increasing surgical stage: stage I 53.4 kμ/L; stage II 122.5 kμ/L; stage III 147.1 kμ/L; and stage IV 428.4 kμ/L. Elevated levels of CA19-9, CEA, and CA15-3 were found in 8%, 12%, and 25%, respectively.

  • tumor markers
  • uterine MMMT

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