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Analysis of human papillomavirus and Epstein- Barr virus infection and aberrant death- associated protein kinase methylation in high- grade squamous intraepithelial lesions
  1. F. Lattario*,
  2. Y. L. Furtado,
  3. R. Fonseca,
  4. F. A. Silveira,
  5. I. C. Do Val,
  6. G. Almeida and
  7. M. G.C. Carvalho*
  1. *Gene Expression Control Laboratory, Carlos Chagas Filho Institute of Biophysics and
  2. Institute of Gynecology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Fernanda Lattario, PhD, Laborató rio de Controle da Expressã o Gê nica, Instituto de Biofí sica Carlos Chagas Filho, UFRJ, Centro de Ciê ncia da Saú de (CCS), Bloco G, Ilha do Fundã o, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 21949-900, Brazil. Email: fernandalattario{at}


This study was conducted to investigate the presence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human papillomavirus (HPV) and the promoter methylation status of the death-associated protein kinase (DAPK) gene in high-grade intraepithelial lesions. Viral infection was analyzed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and promoter methylation status was evaluated using chemical modification by sodium bisulfite followed by PCR. A total of 24 samples were studied. HPV was detected in 16.6%, EBV in 16.6%, and HPV/EBV coinfection in 16.6%. No virus infection was detected in 50% of the samples studied. DAPK promoter methylation was observed in 29.2% of the analyzed samples. There was no significant correlation between DAPK methylation and viral infection. DAPK methylation was detected in 28% of HPV-positive lesions, in 28% of HPV- and EBV-positive lesions, and in 44% (3/7) of the samples without viral infection. There was no observed methylation in samples with isolated EBV infection. In DAPK unmethylated samples, HPV infection was found in 12%, EBV infection in 23%, HPV/EBV coinfection in 12%, and an absence of HPV and EBV infection in 53%. The promoter methylation of the DAPK gene is an important event during carcinogenesis and may have potential clinical application as a marker for the progression and prognosis of cancer.

  • cervix uteri
  • DAPK
  • EBV
  • HPV
  • methylation

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