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Survival and prognostic factors in early-stage epithelial ovarian carcinoma treated with taxane-based adjuvant chemotherapy
  1. I. Skírnisdóttir* and
  2. B. Sorbe
  1. * Department of Women's and Children's Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden; and
  2. Department of Gynecological Oncology, Örebro University Hospital, Örebro, Sweden
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Ingirídur Skírnisdóttir, MD, PhD, Department of Women's and Children's Health, University Hospital, Akademiska sjukhuset, SE-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden. Email: ingiridur.skirnisdottir{at}


The present study was undertaken with the question about the outcome (recurrence-free survival, [RFS]) after adjuvant chemotherapy with taxane and carboplatin in the early stages of epithelial ovarian cancer after primary surgery. Treatment-related toxicity was also evaluated. A total of 113 patients were included in this study. The 5-year RFS rate for all 113 patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy including taxane and carboplatin after primary surgery was 79%. The 5-year RFS rate for 85 patients in FIGO stage I was 85% and for 18 patients in FIGO stage II, it was 44%. For clear-cell carcinomas, the RFS was 87%. In univariate analysis, recurrent disease was associated with both FIGO stage and tumor grade, but in multivariate logistic regression analysis of prognostic factors for tumor recurrences, only FIGO stage (stage I versus stage II) was a significant and independent prognostic factor. However, an odds ratio (OR) of 1.9 for tumor grade (grade 3 versus grades 1–2) demonstrated two times increased risk for recurrence in a patient with a grade 3 tumor compared with grade 1–2 tumors. Furthermore, an OR of 0.39 for lymph node sampling versus no sampling meant 61% reduced risk for recurrence for a patient who had undergone lymph node sampling at surgical staging laparotomy. The major toxicities in the present study were myelosuppression (46%) and neurotoxicity (34%). Despite the use of prophylaxis, severe paclitaxel-related hypersensitivity occurred in three patients (3%)

  • adjuvant chemotherapy
  • early ovarian carcinoma
  • prognostic factors
  • survival
  • taxane

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