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Retraction of an intraperitoneal chemotherapy port: a case report and literature review
  1. M. Pendergrass,
  2. M. E. Gordinier,
  3. L. P. Parker,
  4. D. S. Metzinger and
  5. C. W. Helm
  1. * Division of Gynecologic Oncology, James Graham Brown Cancer Center, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Cyril William Helm, MA, MB, BChir, FRCS, FACOG, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, James Graham Brown Cancer Center, 529 S. Jackson Street, Louisville, KY 40202, USA. Email: cwhelm{at}


Delivery of chemotherapy directly into the peritoneal cavity is becoming part of the standard frontline management of patients with optimally cytoreduced ovarian carcinoma. Traditionally, the peritoneal access devices used for this have had relatively high complication rates including infection, blockage, leakage, and difficulties with port access. In order to reduce the risk of infection, we have been using a Bard 9.6F silastic infusaport that does not have a Dacron cuff to secure it into the tissues of the anterior abdominal wall. It has the added advantage of being more easily removed at the end of treatment. We report a case of spontaneous retraction of such a port out of the peritoneal cavity into the subcutaneous tissues. This complication associated with a silastic cuffless port is presented to raise awareness of this possible complication and suggest ways of preventing it.

  • intraperitoneal chemotherapy
  • ovarian cancer
  • peritoneal access device

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