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Successful pregnancy after localized resection of perforated uterus in choriocarcinoma and a literature review
  1. N. Behtash,
  2. S. Ansari and
  3. F. Sarvi
  1. Gynecology Oncology Department, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Vali Asr Hospital, Tehran, Iran
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Nadereh Behtash, MD, Gynecology Oncology Department, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Vali Asr Hospital, Keshavarz Boulevard, Tehran 14194, Iran. Email: nadbehtash{at}


Choriocarcinoma is an aggressive neoplasm arising in the body of the uterus. Rapid growth and myometrial invasion may be followed by uterine perforation. In this study, we present the cases of two young patients (18 and 19 years of age) with acute abdominal pain and shock, while they were under chemotherapy due to persistent trophoblastic disease. During emergent exploratory laparotomy, localized resection of uterus was performed. They had their first successful term pregnancy 5 and 4 years after surgery, respectively. Uterine perforation following choriocarcinoma is a rare event. Hysterectomy is recommended in emergency conditions, but localized resection of uterus should be considered in women who are desirous of future fertility.

  • choriocarcinoma
  • localized resection
  • pregnancy
  • uterine perforation

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