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Successful pregnancy after hysteroscopic removal of grade I endometrial carcinoma in a young woman with Lynch syndrome
  1. V. ŠPARAC*,
  2. B. Ujević*,
  3. M. Ujević,
  4. Z. Pagon-Belina and
  5. U. Marton*
  1. * Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, General Hospital Sveti Duh
  2. Dom zdravlja Centar, Zagreb, Croatia
  3. World Care Middle Europe Ltd, Zagreb, Croatia
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Boris Ujević, MD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sveti Duh Hospital, Sveti Duh 64, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia. Email: boris.ujevic{at}


In a woman at the age of 30, carcinoma of the endometrium was diagnosed after hysteroscopic polypectomy. Her family history fulfilled Bethesda diagnostic criteria for Lynch syndrome or hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer. Conservative treatment was chosen based on the tumor grade, her age, and her desire for pregnancy. Three months after high-dose progesterone treatment successful conception was achieved. In this report, we suggest that individual approach should be considered in young women with low-grade endometrial carcinoma, positive family history, and unfulfilled motherhood.

  • carcinoma
  • endometrium
  • progesterone treatment

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