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Recurrent ovarian dysgerminoma after laparoscopy
  1. S. Prado*,
  2. R. Yazigi,
  3. J. Garrido*,
  4. M. Gonzalez*,
  5. R. Torres and
  6. D. Oddo§
  1. * Division of Gynecologic Oncology, National Cancer Institute, Santiago, Chile
  2. Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Clinica Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
  3. Divisions of Medical Oncology, National Cancer Institute, Santiago, Chile
  4. § Divisions of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, Santiago, Chile
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Sebastian Prado, MD, Instituto Nacional del Cáncer, Casilla 70004, Correo 7, Santiago, Chile. Email: sprado{at}


To our knowledge, recurrent dysgerminoma at the site of tumor removal by laparoscopy in a patient with stage IA disease has not been previously reported. A woman with ovarian dysgerminoma treated by laparoscopy and tumor removed through the cul-de-sac recurred the 17 months later at the site of tumor removal. She was successfully treated with etoposide, bleomycin, and cisplatin chemotherapy with complete response. This case illustrates the potential for surgical site implant of an ovarian dysgerminoma; surgeons should follow strict guidelines when performing laparoscopic procedures for ovarian malignancies in order to prevent this type of incident.

  • dysgerminoma
  • laparoscopic surgery
  • ovarian cancer

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