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Stage III and IV ovarian cancer in the South West of England: five-year outcome analysis for cases treated in 1998
  1. J. Bailey*,
  2. J. Murdoch*,
  3. R. Anderson*,
  4. J. Weeks and
  5. C. Foy
  1. * St. Michael's Hospital, Bristol, United Kingdom
  2. SWCIS, Bristol, United Kingdom
  3. Gloucestershire Research and Development Support Unit, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Gloucester, United Kingdom
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: J. Bailey, MB BCh, FRCS (Ed), MRCOG, Email: jolbailey{at}


This study evaluates the 5-year outcome data for the management of advanced ovarian cancer in the South West of England. Anonymized data for 361 stage III and IV ovarian cancers registered between January 1, 1998, and December 31, 1998, were obtained from the central gynecological tumor database. The following data were identified: age at diagnosis, FIGO stage, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) grade, tumor differentiation, treating network and surgeon, amount of residual disease after debulking surgery, current life status, and date of death if applicable. Survival analysis was performed using Kaplan–Meier crude survival for univariate analysis, and multivariate analysis was performed by Cox regression. In our data the 5-year survival for patients with stage III was 16% and with stage IV was 10%. Survival analysis demonstrated that patients in whom the disease was debulked to less than 1 cm were more likely to be alive 5 years after diagnosis than those with a 2-cm residuum (P < 0.0001). There was no significant survival difference for those patients operated on by subspecialist surgeons despite these surgeons being twice as likely to achieve optimal debulking. Therefore, there must be other variables influencing survival apart from cytoreductive surgery. While there is near-complete data collection about ovarian cancer surgery, our database on chemotherapy is incomplete. This is clearly crucial for a complete view of cancer care in our region.

  • ovarian cancer
  • surgery
  • centralization

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