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Survival in ovarian cancer in Wales: prior to introduction of all Wales guidelines
  1. T. S. Shylasree*,
  2. R. E.J. Howells*,
  3. K. Lim*,
  4. P. W. Jones,
  5. A. Fiander*,
  6. M. Adams,
  7. A. S. Evans*,
  1. *Department of Gynaecological Oncology, Llandough Hospital, Penarth, South Wales, United Kingdom
  2. Department of Mathematics, Keele University, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
  3. Clinical Oncology Department, Velindre Hospital NHS Trust, Whitchurch, Cardiff, United Kingdom
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: R.E.J. Howells, MRCOG, MD, Welsh Regional Centre for Gynaecological Oncology, Llandough Hospital, Penarth, South Wales, CF64 2XX, UK. Email: robert.howells{at}


The objective of the study was to review referral practice, overall management, and survival in women with suspected ovarian cancer in Wales. This study was done prior to introduction of cancer management guidelines in the region. A confidential study questionnaire was sent to 20 participating hospitals. Data on 287 consecutive women with suspected ovarian cancer were collected, of which 250 women underwent primary laparotomy. Information was obtained on referral pattern, preoperative investigations, place of primary surgery, specialty of the primary surgeon, surgical parameters recorded at the time of operation, a final overall stage, adjuvant treatment, and survival outcome. There was a wide variation in referral practice and management of ovarian cancer in Wales. Stage of the disease, attempt at optimal debulking, residual disease, management by a cancer centre multidisciplinary team, and platinum-based chemotherapy were associated with improved overall survival and progression-free survival. More women were alive if managed in the cancer centre at 1 and 3 year after diagnosis (P = 0.022). This study has highlighted the acute issue of the standards of clinical care in the area of ovarian cancer management and will emphasize the implementation of better care pathways for ovarian cancers.

  • centralization of services
  • ovarian cancer
  • survival

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